Ford’s DPS6 dual-clutch transmission is the source of vehicle owner’s complaints of transmission “shuddering”, “shaking”, “lack of power”, and other driveability complaints. There are actually two separate systems to blame for the transmission problems and failures. The first is the dual-clutch. This transmission utilizes a manual clutch with electric motors to change gears. The oil seals within the clutch assembly area fail, splaying oil onto the dual-clutch. This causes the driveability issues. There is no permanent fix. On most 2011-2014 Ford Focus, Ford Motor Company extended the warranty on the clutch and seals to 100,000 miles. Other models only had a standard 60,000 mile warranty on the transmission. They even updated the seals. The fix didn’t work. The second issue was the TCM’s (Transmission Control Module) failing. Despite Ford Motor Company extending the warranty on this part to 150,000 miles, consumers have had to live with cars that suddenly, and without notice stall, won’t start, and other major operational problems. So, we have a “double-whammy” on reliability and ability to operate the car.
A Class Action Lawsuit was filed on behalf of consumers and was approved. Unless owners “opted-out” in writing to the Class Action firm, they often unknowingly gave away their legal rights to sue Ford Motor Company under state lemon laws. The remedies under the Class action with abysmal at best. Now, step in The Law Offices of William R. McGee, which has been able to successfully settle scores of post-class action cases on Ford Focuses. As this law firm had over 70% of the original Focus lemon law cases, we have developed a good working relationship with Ford Motor Company in resolving these cases to this day. Cases can settle with a “buyback” (vehicle repurchase), or a “cash-and-keep” wherein the consumer gets to keep their Focus yet received thousands of dollars in cash compensation. This is a win-win for the consumer.
If you own a 2013-2017 Ford Focus and have had documented warranty repair visits to the Ford dealer for your DPS6 Select Shift/Power Shift 6-speed “automatic” transmission, we encourage you to use this link to upload your repair documents and your vehicle Purchase Agreement. We will review your documents, and if we accept your case for representation, your representation will be 100% free. If you have a problematic Focus you purchased in California, you have no reason not to have us review your documents.
“Lemon Law Bytes” is Copyright 2/1/2019 The Law Offices of William R. McGee, APLC
Disclaimer: all Lemon Law Bytes articles are for informational purposes only. None of the content should be construed or assumed to be legal advice. If you desire legal advice on your 2019 or newer vehicle, please call us to speak with one of our attorneys.